Jo Vito Ramírez
X Discovers Paradise
From The Grand Poobah And Other Ludicrous Things
The Bronx,
of single mother,
liberal arts,
elm tree, Poe. Barney. Brown Kids.
I am of microwave Calabrese and Tang,
Las Piedras,
Rumi, AMAB, baseball,
Cold War and
Corn Flakes.
I move through and always in relation to.
You too. Into Time
Been born.
When I speak, scratch, brood, scat, sing, search, prescribe, consume,
I do so always in context, scattering context in my wake.
...everywhere I look I see fire; that which isn't flint is tinder, and the whole world sparks and flames.
-Annie Dillard
For better or worse, we move on great historical impulses, swinging the hinge.
I make art that proceeds
with intention,
calling attention to
Art I care about
cares about the ploys commercials use to sell you soap.
My art is concerned
with play, hegemony, heresy, genetics, history,
it has sex, and just wants a slice of the good life.
I create work that wonders, zips, wanders, pops, fizzles,
relentlessly dissents and
bakes the audience pie.
My work is corny, silent, horny, limber, earnest, sassy, mourny,
Is plays make-believe, and gets its feelings hurt.